Asiya Wadud
The founder of Forage Oakland was drawn to the irresistible bounty of fruit growing over fences and sidewalks in Oakland’s Temescal neighborhood – much of it going to waste. Asiya Wadud’s community barter network brings neighbors together to build stronger communities while harvesting and sharing the riches of their own backyards. Forage
Oakland website – Forage Oakland
Spin-off project – Forage City
Asiya’s bio:
A city planner and community development practitioner by training, Asiya has spent the last several years working on projects that leverage new technology to enhance community engagement at the local level. In addition to the nationally acclaied Forage Oakland, which Asiya founded in 2008, Asiya has worked on a number of food justice initiatives through the Bay Area. Asiya has master’s degrees from UC Berkeley and Stanford University and a bachelor’s degree from the College of Wooster. In her free time, she runs, sews, travels, and reads fiction. She now lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Links to other local forage and harvesting sites: