

Want more Oakland Originals Documentaries? 

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We’re working on the next round of documentaries, but can always use your support. Or become a business partner or sponsor!

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4 + 4 =

Our wonderful

Individual Supporters

Our generous

Sponsors & Partners include

Charlotte August
Gene Anderson
Misha Antonich
Kim Bardakian
Stephanie Berger
Hope Broderick
Jacqwi Campbell
Michael Christian
Jeremy Crandell
Darcy Cruikshank
Christa Dahlstrom & Chris Ereneta
Cheryl Patrice Derricotte
Charles Dinklage & Kendra Sowers
Nicki Duesberg
Tim Ereneta & Deirdre Nurre
Babs Fahrney
Cristina Faris & Emily Wallengren
Kerstin Firmin
Jacqueline Fitzwater
Dan Goldes
Natalia Guecheva
Elizabeth Haberlin
Fergus Hammond
Beverly Hanly
Christie Hassler
Jennifer Huang & Doug Yoshida
Gabrielle “Charli” Jensen
David W. Johnson, DDS
Maria Judice
Wade Keye
Erin King & Adam Beach
Jackie Krentzman
John Lane
Patrick Lane
H Lee
Arnold & Connie Liao
Lionheart Productions
Erika Mailman
Ina Maria
Mark Martin & Katie Broughton
Debbie & Mark McCann
Judy McCord
Manos Lindas
Simon & Kym McCourt
Darren McDaniel
Jeff McMahan & Heather Ross
Lara Medina
Pam Mendelsohn
Cathy & Gary Meyer
Tim Monroe
Nathan Monroe-Yavneh
Mo Morris
Erik Bylin & Nicole Noutsios
Mel O. Art
The Olsen Family
Jeremy Owens
John Palmquist
Anthony Palombit
Steve & Teri Pastorino
The Phenomenauts
Gena & Rod Richter
Karen Ruggles, PressPlay Transc.
Joellen Ruvoli
The Saum Family
Mark Sawicki
David Schneider
Ravi Sheth
Stephen Shumaker
Rich & Chris Silverman
Tom Silverman
Steve & Mary Silverman
Perry Smith
Jayne M. Snook
The Sparta Family
Jen Speed
Don & Jane Stahlhut
Cillesa & Eric Ullman
Michelle Uribe
Karyn & Noah Veneklasen
James Vogt
Jonas Waxman
Matthew Wallengren, DDS
Gay Weake
The Whaleys
Rick Wise
Sharon Wood
Alex Woolfson – AMW Comics
Amina Yee
Daniel D. Zarazua
lajones media
  • Funding goal to allow us to make 4 new documentaries! 46% 46%

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Click the button below or email us at contact@oaklandoriginals for details.
Or donate directly at the top of this page.